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“Lautlose Peitschen”, "Der Untergang einer Generation", short stories by Afghan author Anseah Najafi, MISSION LIFELINE INTERNATIONAL e.V., 2024.

"An Unfinished Journey" documentary, subtitles, Dari-> German, 2024.


"Brief von Hamed Aboumoarref", Persian -> German, PEN-Deutschland, 2023.

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"Gedicht von Milad Zanganeh" Persian -> German, PEN-Deutschland, 2023.

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"Eine Notiz von Atefeh Chaharmahalian", Persian -> German, PEN-Deutschland, 2023.

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„Happiness / Shadi“, 15-part series, Persian -> German, ARTE, 2021


„Mohajerat -/ Migration; Sokut / silence; Khamush / Erloschen“, three poems by the Afghan poet Benafsha Behishty Rahmani, Dari -> German, DaMigra e.V. Mut-Macherinnen Projekt BW, 2021.

„Bestimmung / Calling“ two own poems, English -> German, PalmArtPress, 2020.


„Sizdah- Bedar- Thirteenth day of the Persian New Year", Persian -> German,

Amtsblatt Ettlingen, No. 19, 05/09/2019


„Tschahar Schanbe Souri – Feiern am Mittwoch“ Persian -> German, Amtsblatt Ettlingen, No. 13, 03/28/2019.

„Haji Agha“ silent film subtitles, Persian -> German, DAI Heidelberg, 2003.

Coach - Author - Translator
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