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Sara Ehsan Autorin, Übersetzerin, Coach

Photo: Frank Thissen

Sara Ehsan, born in Iran in 1977, works as a certified coach and anti-discrimination consultant, author and sworn translator/interpreter in Karlsruhe. She lived in Tehran until she was eight, where the Iran-Iraq War and the Islamic Revolution shaped her childhood.

She started writing at the age of 14. Her interest later led her to take an advanced German course and study literature at the University of Heidelberg, where she completed her master's degree in 2008. During her studies she began publishing poems in various anthologies and magazines.

Second study programme: Nonprofit Management & Governance at the University of Heidleberg.

Sara Ehsan, an Iranian Studies graduate, has worked as an interpreter and translator for Farsi and Dari for more than two decades. Her experience ranges from interpreting in consultations to the Federal Court of Justice.

Her strong sense of justice led her to choose an additional career in the social sector as a social counselor for refugees.

Coach - Author - Translator
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