Extract from the online reading: Alexander Kapitanowski "Europe and the Bull"
"The online reading organized by the Rumpelstilzchen literature project presents texts that were created for pictures by the illustrator Alexander Kapitanowski and were shown in the gallery in the tannery museum in Enger. The sequence of pictures is an attempt to question, redefine and reconcile an ancient Greek myth transform - to read today's Europe through antiquity.
The image-text dialogues by 39 authors have also been published as a book: Michael Hellwig (ed.): "Alexander Kapitanowski: Europe and the bull. Image-text dialogues", Rumpelstilzchen literature project, Enger 2021, approx . 186 pages, paperback, ISBN 978-3-752-672596. Exhibition and reading took place within the framework of the festival europa: westfalen organized by the network literaturland westfalen [lila we:]. "
"Dessen Antlitz ist überall auf der Erde"
Extract from the volume of poetry "Determination / Calling"
Reading at the summer academy "Ethics and Religion in World Cultures"
Ostwestakademie + Röthenbacher Kunstförderverein / 08/20/2021
Traditionel FOLG SONG from Turkey: Nihavend Ilahi
At the piano: Hyonyoung Nam
Musical accompaniment to the reading at the summer academy "Ethics and Religion in World Cultures"
Ostwestakademie + Röthenbacher Kunstförderverein / 08/20/2021